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Direct Email Marketing Tips Secrets And 3 Winning Strategies


Is email dead? This is one of the most asked questions nowadays, and one that will keep rumbling in our heads…But, it’s far from the truth! Email is changing as we it gets ready to enter a “second youth”.

Stop and think for a minute: how many emails do you receive a day, and how full is your inbox? Chances are you’re overwhelmed by communications of all sorts, as brands increasingly use email tocommunicate with their userswith the aim ofincreasing their engagement and loyalty.

Today, we’ill show you how to perform email marketing effectively usingdirect emails. We’ll explain in detail what they are, thecharacteristicsthat set them apart, what differentiates them from newsletters, and finally, we’ll give you a list ofbest practices, as well as manyexamples to immediately put into practice.

Ready? Let’s see how to make the most of direct email 😊

Definition of Direct Email Marketing

Direct Email Marketing, which from now on we will be referring to asDEM, is an extremely effective tool that allows you tocommunicate in a personalized way with your potential customersby directly targeting their inboxes. It is a purely commercial form of communication,aimed at promoting a product, service, or event.

Adirect email marketing campaignallows you implement loyalty, lead generation and nurturing actions on all users already present in your database, targeting them according to specific characteristics. These types of messages have amuch higherconversion ratecompared to periodic newsletters, as they are sent exclusively to a specific target groupand have a much lower cost compared to other more traditional forms of promotion.

The unique feature of direct emails is that users not only read emails, but also interact with them by taking a conversion action such as purchasing, downloading, and so on, thus generating traffic on your website. In short, it is one of the fewtoolsthat, if used most appropriately, canlaunch any type of online business.

The results of ourresearch conductedtogether withCRIBIS D&B and AISM,suggest that companies implement a direct email marketing strategy to achievelead generation goals(64%),increase sales opportunities(50%) and implementlead nurturing actions(36%).

An effective DEM campaign has the following advantages:

* Speed:Reach many users in just a few minutes, unlike a traditional Google campaign, which has much longer lead times and higher costs. In addition, using a multichannel marketing platform such as MagNews gives you a series of predefined templates, so you can create professionally styled communications in no time.
* Customization and segmentation:messages can be sent to a well-defined target group.
* Costs:reacha large number ofusers, not only in a very short time but alsoat a very low cost. Generally you pay by the volume of emails sent to the individual contact and not by exposure.
* Analytics: you canmeasure the resultsof your campaigns.
* Accuracy: profiling your users allows you tosend custom messagesbased on specific parameters.

Newsletter VS Direct Email: what’s the difference?

Why do we use two different terms to refer to email marketing campaigns? There seems to be some confusion behind these two words which both require mass sending, but at the same time they have different characteristics depending on the objective, target audience, message and sending frequency.

Let’s look at the differences in detail.

These areinformational communicationssent periodically,aiming to inform usersof the company’s activities/news/products, andincrease their loyalty and engagement over time.
Therecipientsof these communications arevery loyalusers, interested in everything that revolves around the brand. Indeed, they personally chose to subscribe, either online or paper form, to be kept constantly up to date.
It therefore becomes essentialto curate the editorial plan in every detail, establishing the frequency and recognizability of the brand, values that are crucial for the success of your campaign. Thedesignof this communication must beflexibleenough to adapt to the various types of information you wish to convey. For example, you can divide your newsletter into different categories: events, news, products, blog articles etc…Use quality contentso as not to disappoint the trust that users put into you when they signed up.
Careful: this doesn’t mean you cannot place promotional boxes, they will just be of secondary importance.

These arecommunications with commercial and promotional focus, with the purpose ofencouraging users to convert, and a specific call to action present in the communication. A truly effective tool if your goal is to reach an increasing number of potential customers or engaging existing ones. Therecipientsof these communications areusersin your database. Therefore, it is paramount that you curate the graphical aspect of your direct email, withcopy that is captivating, engaging, and customized based upon what you wish to communicate.

Newsletter Direct Email Informational message Promotional message Sent periodically Seizes the opportunities of the moment Loyalty, nurturing, branding, traffic Conversion

The perfect structure of a direct email

Designing thelayout of a direct emailis not easy, you need toconsider the objective you want to reachand the message you want to convey. Here’s an example of direct email you can use if you have an eCommerce site and need to advertise a limited offer.

Tips for an effective direct email

A marketingcampaign can be effective if it is targeted at the right audience and created followingbest practices. Below, we’ll list theaspects that need the most attention, as they could determine the success or failure of your campaigns.

Find out how your target audience uses Email: number of active mailboxes, email traffic, email providers.

There are anumber of common mistakesthat can hinder the success of your direct email marketing campaignspreventing you from reaching your goals.

Here are the most common ones:

Direct email campaign Examples

Our advice doesn’t end here! Here are somepractical direct email examples to inspire youfor your next campaigns.

DEM: metrics you can’t ignore

Think your work is done after you’ve sent your communication? Well, you’re wrong! The next, most important step ismeasuring the results of your digital email marketing campaignsto evaluate their success or failure.

TheKPIsyou analyze must be established based on objectives. Here are the most common ones.

* Open Rate(OR): indicates the percentage of users who opened your communication. This KPI is very important to assess the engagement of your mailing list.
* Click Through Rate(CTR): indicates the total number of emails clicked at least once against the total number of emails opened.
* Conversion Rate: indicates the percentage of users who have interacted with your communication by completing the desired action; measures the user’s behavior and their conversion.
* Delivery Rate: indicates the percentage of emails delivered from the sender’s server to the recipient’s server, (e.g. All messages for which no bounce is recorded). Therefore, it evaluates the quality of your database.

In conclusion,Direct Email Marketingis one of thewinning forms of communicationfor direct contact with users, and has amuch higher ROIcompared to other communication tools.
Before implementing aDirect Email Marketing strategy, always remember tostart from the goalsand then choose the channel and the most suitable tool accordingly: newsletters for building loyalty, and direct emails for promoting and selling. Then, kickstart your campaigns and reach your users!

If you want to design direct email campaigns and increase sales up to 20%:

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